TM – The Technique for Creativity, Wellness and Peace
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique is a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced twice daily for 20 minutes while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. The TM program is a technology of consciousness; it is not a religion, philosophy or lifestyle. TM is taught one-on one by certified Teachers. The benefits start right away, and continue to grow over time. Hundreds of research studies* have found significant increases in creativity, calmness, energy, mental and physical health and personal happiness.
What Happens During the Transcendental Meditation Technique?
Transcendental Meditation allows the conscious thinking mind to settle within and experience unbounded awareness at the source of thought. During TM practice, the body enjoys a state of profound rest, which rejuvenates and revitalizes mind and body, while the brain becomes maximally coherent.
How Does TM Meditation Differ from Other Forms of Meditation?
Three basic approaches to meditation have been identified by researchers:
- Focused attention – concentration of the mind on a thought or object
- Open monitoring – observing the breath, thoughts, or environment
- Automatic self-transcending – spontaneously experiencing more refined levels of the thinking process — a unique state of restful alertness
Transcendental Meditation is neither focused attention or open monitoring. TM is a simple, natural process of automatic self-transcending, which allows the mind to spontaneously experience a field of calm deep within. TM has been verified by hundreds of scientific research studies published in the world’s leading scientific and medical journals.
Research on the TM Technique
Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation technique comprises more than 600 studies conducted at over 250 independent universities and research institutions in 30 countries. These studies have demonstrated a wide range of benefits for mind, body, behavior, and society, and have appeared in many leading, peer-reviewed journals. Learn more about the research below.
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