Consciousness-Based Education

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment recommends the educational methodologies of Consciousness-Based Education offered by the International Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education (IFCBE). Consciousness-Based Education adds the systematic development of higher states of consciousness to the existing school and university curriculum. The fundamental technologies for the development of consciousness are the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programmes, which were introduced to the world 60 years ago by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Maharishi Vedic Science and the Transcendental Meditation technique.

The goal of education is to unfold Total Knowledge in the awareness of the student, which Maharishi Vedic Science describes as three-fold – Knower, Process of Knowing and Known. The student experiences and enlivens these three values in their unified state (samhita) in transcendental consciousness, the Self (Atma) through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme.

Students grow in their understanding and experience of Total Knowledge in their own self-referral awareness, which unfolds creative potential and systematically develops the ability to fulfil one’s desires. This provides the basis for the student’s success in their chosen field or profession, whilst contributing positively to their family, community, nation and world.

Wege Arts Center located at Maharishi International University
The Wege Center for the Arts, Maharishi International University, Iowa, USA

Fulfilling the Purpose of Education

Over 650 research studies and the experience of implementing hundreds of Consciousness-Based Education programmes in all parts of the world*, validate the benefits of Consciousness-Based Education for mental and physical health, brain development, social behaviour, and society as a whole.

Consciousness-Based Education allows both the student and teacher to enjoy the process of imparting, receiving and assimilation of knowledge, whilst gaining familiarity with the field of Total Knowledge, the unified field of Natural Law. Their awareness expands as the student commands more creative potential, in the same way that someone who is wide awake, responds to their surroundings differently than if they are drowsy.

The Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme fulfills the purpose of education – based on the systematic development of consciousness towards the state of complete fulfilment in enlightenment.

“What is needed is a procedure (Transcendental Meditation) through which the student can dive into that creative intelligence and allow the unmanifest to blossom into expressions that reflect the full value of consciousness.”

“This is the generation, in which the ever-evolving tendency of art finds fulfilment. This is the age… in which educators can create a fulfilled artist.”

– Maharishi

Consciousness Based Arts Education

The implications of Consciousness-Based Education for all Arts disciplines – the visual arts, design disciplines, music, performing arts and writing arts – are profound and far-reaching. By directly enlivening the field of pure creative intelligence, pure consciousness within, all aspects of the creative process spontaneously, naturally flourish.

2. RA – UF Chart simple-Art and Design
Click image to enlarge

All Arts Institutions – colleges, universities and academies dedicated to providing their students with the best, most rewarding educational experience, are cordially invited to contact us. We will be pleased to arrange an introductory presentation for your administrators, faculty and students, with a view to implementing a Consciousness-Based Education programme into the existing curriculum of your Institution.

Maharishi International University –

A non-profit university with on-campus and online degree programs

Aerial Shot of Maharishi International University campus - Home of Consciousness-Based Education
The MIU campus, Fairfield, Iowa. MIU's President, John Hagelin, Ph.D., is a renowned quantum physicist, science and public policy expert, author, and international President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace.

MIU is the world’s premier Consciousness-Based Education institution of higher learning, offering accredited degree programs in the following disciplines:

  • Applied Arts and Sciences
  • Art
  • Ayurveda
  • Physiology and Health
  • Business
  • Cinematic Arts and New Media
  • Computer Science
  • Consciousness & Human Potential
  • Creative Writing & Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Sustainable Living
  • Online courses and other training programmes

“The student at MIU knows the procedure for enlivening the unmanifest, and he knows the correct procedure for enlivening the steps of manifestation. This is how there is a connection between the unboundedness of the unmanifest and the boundaries of manifestation. On the level of the artist’s awareness, this connection between the unboundedness of the unmanifest and the boundaries of the manifest is maintained. With the growth of this faculty, with the growth of this quality of awareness, the artist has the possibility of living the wholeness of life, the full range of life in which every boundary has the influence of the boundless.

– Maharishi

For more information:

What is the TM technique?
One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness - Tony Nader Image
Publications Sidebar Graphic