Writing Arts
Overview of disciplines and genres –
GENRES (Fiction and Nonfiction): Vedic Literature, Autobiography/ Biography, Commentary, Copywriting, Critique, Essay, Encyclopaedic, Fable, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Fictional writing, Folktale, Freelance, Ghost writing, Historical, Humour, Journalism, Legal, Legend, Lyricism, Magical realism, Meta fiction, Memoir, Mystery, Mythology, Mythopoeia, Narrative, Novels, Owner’s manual, Picture book, Playwriting, Poetry, Realistic fiction, Reference book, Religious, Research writing, Self-help, Scientific paper, Science fiction, Scriptwriting, Screenwriting, SEO, Short story, Songwriting, Speechwriting, Spiritual, Suspense/Thriller, Swashbuckler, Technical, Travel, Textbook, Western…