Design and Construction in Tune with Natural Law

Architecture is conventionally defined as “the art and science of designing and building structures” to serve and support human life.

To properly fulfill its purpose, architecture must take into account the laws of nature that govern human life and evolution. If architecture fails to incorporate Natural Law in all phases of design and construction, the value of architecture for society will remain limited and its cosmic potential for civilized life will be lost.

Vedic Science as revived by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is the complete science of life in harmony with Natural Law. A precious aspect of Maharishi Vedic Science is the total knowledge of architecture, called Maharishi Vastu architecture.

“Because the individual life is cosmic, everything about individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life. Maharishi Vedic architecture gives dimensions, formulas, and orientations to the buildings that will provide cosmic harmony and support to the individual for his peace, prosperity, and good health — daily life in accord with Natural Law, daily life in the evolutionary direction.”

— Maharishi

Architecture may be considered to be the “mother of the arts”. First, the cities, towns, buildings and residences must be properly designed and constructed according to Natural Law. Within the buildings, the arts take their place and perform their function, contributing maximum to the cultural health, well being and success of communities, societies and civilizations.

Vastu Courtyard

Principles of Maharishi Vastu Architecture

In order to produce only nourishing influences on its occupants, Maharishi Vastu utilizes several key principles to ensure maximum benefit through the proper design and construction of residences, working environments, towns and cities:

  • Orientation of the building to the East, the direction of the rising sun
  • Placement of rooms to enhance the quality of life in each part of the building
  • Proportions that connect individual intelligence with Cosmic intelligence
  • Natural and nontoxic materials and use of solar energy

Maharishi Vastu also takes into consideration other important influences, such as slope and shape of the land; unobstructed rising sun; influences in the environment including water bodies; and auspicious timing of the various phases of design and construction.

Books on Maharishi Vastu Architecture:

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Transcendental Meditation for the Architect

The TM technique is a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced twice daily for 20 minutes while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. TM is practiced by architects all over the world. Peer-reviewed research shows that TM increases creativity, brain functioning, perception, self-confidence, problem solving ability, and verbal and analytical thinking, while also benefiting mental and physical health, and social wellness.

More Information


Dr. Eike Hartmann, Minister of Architecture, Global Country of World Peace, speaks on the early work with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on uncovering the essential precepts of Sthapatya-Veda (Vedic or Vastu architecture). Dr Hartmann goes on to answer questions from webinar viewers.

What is the TM technique?
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