Cultural Integrity and The Arts

Cultural values are at the basis of the peace, progress and prosperity of any nation. The arts, history, religion, traditions, social behaviour, language, laws, customs, climate and geography together help to formulate the culture of a nation. The arts play a significant role in culture because they represent refined, subjective values on the surface level of life. The visual arts and crafts, the design disciplines music, dance, writing and poetry are all the play and display in the floodlight of culture. Fundamentally, culture derives from the laws of nature at the basis all creative activity in human life.

For the arts and culture to be strong and vital, a profound connection to the laws of nature that underlie all creative thought and expression is needed. This in turn is the foundation for a prosperous society, cultural integrity and world peace. Maharishi Vedic Science informs us that the basis of culture lies in the enlivenment of the ground state of Natural Law – the unifying, unbounded field of creative intelligence and perfect orderliness in the transcendental field of life, the inner Self of everyone.

“Cultural integrity means all those values which are necessary to culture life, and to live life spontaneously in the direction of evolution. The result of cultural integrity is happiness, affluence, and harmony within the nation and complete impenetrability from any disturbing influences from outside. Cultural integrity is therefore, the foundation stone of invincibility for the nation.”

– Maharishi

Cultural Integrity for the 21st Century

In his Absolute Theory of Cultural Integrity, Maharishi outlines the Fundamentals of Cultural Integrity and Progress – Creativity, Stability, Adaptability, Integration, Purification, and Growth. With the enlivenment of these qualities, cultural diversity blossoms on the ground of an underlying influence of unity and invincibility – there will be no threat of one culture over another; just a mutual enrichment of all cultures, reinforcing life in the light of natural law.

Fundamentals of Cultural Integrity and Progress Chart

Maharishi Vedic Science and its scientifically proven technologies of consciousness, Transcendental Meditation and the TM–Sidhi programme have been shown to enliven the fundamentals of cultural integrity and progress. When the Arts embrace total Natural Law, these fundamentals will be enlivened throughout society. The arts will then fulfill their role in creating and maintaining peace, harmony and invincibility for every nation.

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment offers to each country a means to restore the basic, nourishing roots of every culture, thus freeing the spirit of every culture from the inevitable changes being brought about by industrial and technological progress. When Natural Law is enlivened in national consciousness by the square root of 1 percent of the population practicing the the Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi programmes, cultural integrity will always guide the destiny of progress and fulfilment in the nation, and the nation will enjoy perpetual peace and invincibility.

The Art of World Peace

Maharishi Vedic Science informs us that the flow of creativity emerges from its source in the unbounded ocean of silence and peace in self-referral bliss consciousness, the unified field of natural law, the Self of everyone. Arising from that abstract, unbounded field of all possibilities, the creative process takes a direction and flows out – a painting, design, a poem, musical score, a dance… To be fully in the flow and capable of manifesting that unbounded ocean of silence into a concrete work of art, with least effort is every artist’s wish. The technique to permanently achieve this as an all-time reality of daily life, is beautifully expressed in the verses of the Bhagavad-Gita, the textbook of enlightenment –

Yogastha kuru karmani

“Established in Being (the Self, transcendental consciousness, the pure field of peace), perform action”.

– Bhagavad-Gita Ch 2; v45
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita, a New Translation and Commentary, Chapters 1–6*

The artist has only to switch on the natural tendency of the mind and allow it to effortlessly gravitate into that infinite, unbounded ocean of pure bliss consciousness, through Transcendental Meditation.

Regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique and its advanced techniques, including the TM-Sidhi programmes, expands consciousness, unfolds creative potential and brings life in tune with all the laws of nature. The enlightened artist lives unbounded awareness (“established in Being”) in the boundaries of his life and work (“perform action”) and as a result, fulfills his/her desires, whilst spontaneously radiating peace, coherence and harmony throughout the environment and throughout the world.

Formula for Fulfilment

Here we have the two-fold formula for fulfilment in the arts, arising from the deepest level of life itself – the unbounded ocean of silence, peace, and Creative Intelligence in the Unified Field of Natural Law:

  • Creating art through peace
  • Creating peace through art

With this knowledge, every artist now has an opportunity to enjoy complete fulfilment in their life and work, whilst nourishing the world with peace, bliss and invincibility from the level of blissful peace and invincibility itself, and create a beautiful world of heaven on earth.

“It’s a beautiful topic today. In inaugurating art and music, I have laid open the field of perfection in life – the field of perfection in the individual life, in the social life, in the national life, in the international life. As long as the transcendental value is awake in our mind, we are supreme artists. We are (the) supreme flow of bliss ourselves.

So, in our universities, we are going to teach this field of art and music, which will unfold to the students all possibilities in their silence and any phase of dynamism of silence. Extreme dynamic value, extreme silent value, both together make art – make the action waves of bliss, waves of bliss.”

– Maharishi

World Parliament of Peace on Art and Music, March 9, 2006

The Maharishi Effect

Modern science has shown that the quality of life lived by a group can be defined by the degree to which the individuals within the group are experiencing pure self-referral consciousness. If a large enough number of individuals in any given population enliven Transcendental Consciousness, positive trends increase and negative trends decrease. Due to the reciprocal relationship between individual and collective consciousness, when a small percentage of individuals in a population enliven the unified field of natural law, the evolutionary, life-supporting qualities of the unified field are enhanced across the spectrum of individual and social life. This proven effect has been named the ‘Maharishi Effect’ by the scientists who first researched the phenomenon.

Subsequent research has demonstrated that when only the square root of one percent of a population practices the Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi programmes, including Yogic Flying, together, the collective effect of coherence is profoundly intensified. Over the years, numerous controlled sociological studies have examined the Maharishi Effect. They have found that when individuals in a group practice Maharishi’s advanced technologies of consciousness, there is a significant, measurable increase of coherence or orderliness in collective consciousness.

Establishing Peace-Creating Groups

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dedicated much of his life to restoring the Vedic formula for world peace by establishing coherence-creating groups all over the world, to enliven the unified field of natural law. The Global Country of World Peace – the umbrella association of the global Transcendental Meditation organizations, leads the project to establish sufficiently large groups on every continent, in order to reduce collective toxic stress and create and maintain permanent world peace.

New Study Validates the Formula for Peace

World Journal of Social Science has published a study showing that group practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs by √1% of the U.S. population decreased multiple stress indicators in the U.S. Scientists are now calling for large groups to create world peace. An article on this landmark study by researcher, Dr. David Orme-Johnson has been published on Thrive Global:

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment invites artists everywhere to join in the global initiative to create world peace. Even a small percentage of artists, designers, musicians, performers, writers and poets in each country practicing the Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi programmes can quickly and permanently create peace in their country. At the same time, they will generate a new renaissance in all fields of creativity, arts and culture.

For more information on the Global Peace Initiative:

*“Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on The Bhagavad-Gita: A new translation and commentary, chapters 1-6.” 494 pages. The book can be viewed on

What is the TM technique?
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